Sun Love -- a topical lotion without the poison! I had the privilege to try a sample, and it is lovely. Unlike other sunblocks, it does not make my skin feel greasy, does not clog my pores, and it has a pleasing, subtle scent.
A Natural Health & Wellness Newsletter
Approximately this time two years ago, I decided conduct a little experiment... just to see how I would feel. When it comes to food and health, I am always tweaking something. I like to read and educate myself, then try things that have worked for others to see if they will work for me. It started when I ran across Mark’s Daily Apple. And then I ran across this, which lead to this here and this other really cool thing.
I decided to “go Primal” for one month to see what would happen.
These are some basic guidelines of the Primal Diet:
Ladies and Gents! I’d like to solve one of your biggest problems…
Razor rash. Shaving is something that all of us have in common. For me, it’s been a life-long frustration.
Well, razor rash no more! Perhaps world peace sounds like a much more significant achievement, but eliminating razor rash would certainly solve a daily, nagging irritation, yes? Perhaps if Flavius Odoacer had eliminated his razor rash, the Roman Empire would still be alive and well today…
Hark! Let’s embrace a phenomenal solution.
I’d like to introduce you to MyShavingClub. For as little as $5.99 per month, you can have the best shave of your life without the nagging after-effects. You’ll never even miss the nicks and cuts you’ve come to accept as facts of human life.
This brand new, Chicago startup just launched last week with the aim of delivering high-end, American-made shaving products via monthly subscription right to your doorstep.
Read their press release here.
I got my razors in the mail mere days ago and put them to the test. In all honesty, I can say it was the best shave I've ever experienced. Not only the best but also the quickest. It didn't even feel like blades scraping over my skin. Silky smooth legs in no time!
My sweetie tried out the men's blades and said it was a definite upgrade from the Mach3 blades he had been using in the past. Now he's sporting a silky smoooooth face! …Nice!
If you buy razors at all, there's no reason not to buy from MyShavingClub. Not only is it convenient (delivered to your door with no added shipping charge!), but it's just as affordable as the refill cartridges you buy at the super market. Not only that, but they are 10 times BETTER than what your supermarket provides!
Your first shipment includes a handle and blades while subsequent shipments provide blade refills. No shipping costs are added to the already low price, and you can cancel your subscription any time. What a deal! I am SOLD SOLD SOLD.
Hey hey, for those of you women always looking for a good, manly gift to give, this is a great option (men are rather difficult to buy for, no?).
Bonus tips from the Lemon Letter for a better shave experience:
If you're like me, you would much rather have someone else do the cleaning. Even though I am responsible for fewer than 800 square feet, keeping it clean sometimes seems like a vain pursuit; it always needs to be cleaned again by next weekend!
I'm not yet willing to hire a maid to take care of my messes, but I am willing to whip up my own multipurpose cleaner. This can be very handy if you find yourself in the middle of spring cleaning and your trusty Trader Joe's Next To Godliness cleaner is down to the last drop. Don't fret. You probably already have all the ingredients in your house already... including that empty spray bottle.
I took this out of a Housekeeping magazine :)
Multipurpose Cleaner:
It's after 3 PM, and I'm hungry. But I don't want to spoil my appetite for dinner. So what do I do?
I'm thinking, Almond Moo :)
My friend, Lynn, made this smoothie for me a couple weeks ago. I had to have two glasses full. The next day, I made my own.
This is her recipe:
With the fall season come the delightful pomegranates and pears. Pomegranates, however, can be quite perplexing. Let me show you how to open this unique fruit to get the most out of it.
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan is one of my favorite books ever. It's phenomenal. The introduction alone is worth a read. As I read it, I am jumping up and down in my mind, cheering the author on. It's absolutely right on point concerning the evolution of health and nutrition in America and the confusing mess Americans find themselves in today.
One thing Michael Pollan mentions is orthorexia. This really hit home for me. If you don't know already, orthorexia is an unhealthy obsession with being healthy. It's true; obsessing over health can be very unhealthy. We health nuts need to take a step back and ask ourselves: Am I enjoying my food? Check this out:
"What you think about your food is more important than what the food actually is."
Wow! Simple but incredible! So what does this mean to me? It means,
Back to Michael Pollan... his books are great. He wrote a little book in 2009 called Food Rules which is basically a quick summary of the conclusions he has reached through his research while writing previous books such as In Defense Of Food
and The Omnivore's Dilemma
I am going to share some of his rules here because I think they are important, and it will help all of us be less obsessive over the little things, appreciate more, and still pursue high-quality nutrition. Additionally, these rules apply to all types of eaters: vegan, vegetarian, and omnivore. By following them, we can all relax and be healthier as a result.
"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
This week for dinner I made a recipe for A Bowl Of Gratitude, a delicious rice bowl from Cafe Gratitude in San Fransisco. And, wow, was it good. I made it basically as this blog describes, but I was all out of hearty greens and used cilantro instead. I also used avocado rather than egg. It was like an avocado roll in bowl. So good! "I am grateful!" were the first words out of my mouth when I finished this. Here is the basic recipe copied below:
Whew! Finally a day of rest and rejuvenation after a seemingly endless season of tax deadlines. I'm already feeling refreshed! But the last few months certainly weren't easy. One of the tools I used to cope with the fatigue of long days at the office was Vega Sport.
Vega Sport calls itself the "Natural Plant-Based Performance Optimizer." It is designed specifically to be used as a pre-workout sport drink; however, it works fantastically as an afternoon pick-me-up too. Sounds like a great substitute for coffee and diet coke. Nice!
It's not without caffeine but does not cause the caffeine jitters like coffee does. Some of the energy-boosting ingredients include Yerba Maté Leaf, Green Tea Leaf, Rhodiola Root, and Ginseng Root. It also contains Devil's Claw Root, Turmeric Root, and Ginger Root which work to alleviate joint and muscle pain. This is great for post-workout recovery.
At $3 a piece, an avocado is not something to waste. If you're wondering what to do with an overripe, bruised, or less-than-flavorful avocado, just add chocolate...
Raw Chocolate Avocado Mousse:
For those of us in the northern hemisphere, winter just started, but trust me, it's not too early to start getting your beach body back. If you wait until June, it will already be too late. I know, it's tough to fight the impulse to hibernate in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate and a novel. A little hibernation is therapeutic, but make it your goal right now to take action, alter stagnating behaviors, and implement a few new tools toward shaping up for the new year. I am going to share with you 5 simple steps to get healthier, more fit, and increased energy. What better way to start the new decade?
With the new year approaching, many are thinking about self improvement. One of the best ways I can think of to accomplish health improvement is to incorporate more greens into one's diet. That doesn't sound fun at first, but it totally is. Check this out: Green Smoothie & Green Juice du jour. It will make your cells dance. Wahoo!
I LOVE CrossFit! I recently discovered CrossFit and attended my first CrossFit class through (As a side note, if you haven't yet discovered, I HIGHLY encourage you to check it out and browse for a meetup that interests you - raw food, gardening, outdoor activites, etc. It is a fantastic way to find new friends and make new discoveries right in your own neighborhood. Okay... it pretty much changed my life).
CrossFit was invented by Greg Glassman. The official website is According to Gregg, the CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” These high intensity workouts not only take minimal time, they build muscle, help you lean up and tone up, keep your bones strong and joints limber, and make you happy :) Just trust me.